AI will Wipe Out Humanity by 2050 
 AI will Wipe Out Humanity by 2050 

AI will wipe out humanity by 2050 as the experts have signaled the exponential growth in the sector of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics and such mega growth can effect humanity in both ways, good and bad.

A research firm in USA named “Wall Street” firmly believes that there are more than 50 percent chance that AI can wipe out all of humanity by 2050 and this is quite frightening.

BCA Research, a global investment research company has declared in a recent report that there is a “more than 50/50 chance AI will wipe out all of humanity by the middle of the century.”

“And will usher in an era of unprecedented prosperity or turn us all into paper clips pointing to the exponential nature of A.I”. it was also expressed by the BCA experts.

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World’s leading scientists and experts are firmed on one point that the superintelligent Al could shows its enormous impact on humanity in next decade.

They also believe that the impact can be mega as compared to the past technological revolutions those took many decades to get mature and effective.

The experts have also given a positive signal as well that if humanity gets read to face and cop with this AI revolution and gets basic training and well-prepares itself, this AI revolution can be a blessing as well.

The world scientists firmly believe that AI revolution is going to have a serious and major impact on humanity and if humanity will be able to survive the early jolts of the superintelligent AI .

The economists also believe that both revolutions in the field of agriculture and industry can experience a 30-to-100-fold increase in GDP growth.

A few month ago, the hundreds of AI spearheads like Elon Musk have signed an open letter calling for a pause for 6 months on all AI development.

The boss of world’s leading companies like Twitter, Telsa, StarLink, and SpaceX has announced a new venture and as he has registered a company called ‘X.AI‘. 

Experts think that in next couple of decades, humanity will be able to witness grand revolutions in the field of agricultural and industry.

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AI experts predict that AI will replace around 300 million jobs in coming years but will also add $7 trillion to global GDP and the world is going to witness this mega transition very soon.

In the last a few years, the rapid innovations in AI are proving Jack Ma’s point of view 100 percent true. The tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and many others are changing the human life very quickly.

Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, expressed these views a few years back in a conference predicating the only soft skills can enable our next generation to compete with AI and machines.

AI will Wipe Out Humanity by 2050.

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