COVID-19 pill Paxlovid to be Approved
COVID-19 pill Paxlovid to be Approved

COVID-19 pill Paxlovid to be Approved very soon from FDA as it has been approved this week by the U.S. health advisers. This is a major breakthrough in approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 pill. 

Since early 2022, this pill is already being used by millions of Americans as FDA granted an emergency authorization to use this pill.

However, FDA still has to finally approve this pill as authorized medication for COVID-19 disease and decision is expected in May 2023.

It is reported that the patients using Paxlovid or a dummy pill have a minor tendency between 10% and 16% of symptoms return.

The FDA has reported that the high-risk patients could prevent 1,500 COVID-19 deaths with the help of using Paxlovid and similarly 13,000 hospitalizations of the patients per week have been avoided in 2022.

To help prevent severe COVID-19 cases, the U.S. federal government purchased more than 20 million doses of Paxlovid.

The health professionals and doctors are also strongly encouraged to prescribe Paxlovid tablet aggressively to the COVID-19 patients.

However, there is need to find out out that right and timely prescription should be ensured to avoid overprescribing so that patients may not needlessly getting the excess medication.

To ensure safety of Paxlovid, a panel of experts voted 16-1 that to be safe and effective treatment for high-risk adults with COVID-19. COVID-19 pill Paxlovid to be Approved

However, it is recommended that this drug should be prescribed to only the serious patients that are more likely to be admitted in a hospital and may be to death due to the COVID-19.

“We still have many groups that stand to benefit from Paxlovid, including unvaccinated persons, under-vaccinated persons, the elderly and the immuno-compromised,” said Dr. Richard Murphy of the DVA, USA.

The Paxlovid pill is already being used by millions of Americans as FDA granted an emergency authorization to use this pill. However, FDA still has to finally approve this pill as authorized medication for COVID-19 disease and decision is expected in May 2023.

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