YouTube discontinue stories and focuses on Shorts
YouTube discontinue stories and focuses on Shorts

YouTube discontinues Stories and focuses on Shorts since 26th June and now YouTube has announced to primarily focus on community posts and YouTube Shorts,

YouTube confirms dropping its premier feature Stories from now onwards akin to the Snapchat’s and Instagram’s disappearing messages.

YouTube initially launched the Stories feature in 2018, and this feature was initially available to creators with over 10,000 subscribers.

The basic purpose of this feature was to enable vloggers to sharing behind-the-scenes updates and quick updates of the forth-coming videos.

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The Stories feature was enabling creators to post updates and these updates were used to remain live for the seven days.

YouTube has made the decision to end the Stories feature after negative reviews from its users and creators due to lack of key functionalities like swipe-up and video linking feature.

Additionally, the Stories feature has limited adoption in comparison to other features such as community posts that could drive more comments and likes.

YouTube is focusing on community posts and open its visibility to the millions of creators and added popular aspects of Stories, such as editing tools and the ability for posts to expire after 24 hours.

Community posts consistently drive “many times more comments and likes” than Stories, the company says.

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YouTube Shorts crosses TikTok in views

YouTube discontinues Stories and focuses on Shorts and on the other hand, YouTube Shorts has emerged as a strong contender to TikTok’s short-form video content.

Despite challenges, such as technical issues, and an initial lack of monetization, YouTube Shorts is now an established tool for driving engagement and gaining new subscribers.

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