Rebirth of Mosul City of Iraq

Rebirth of Ancient Mosul City as hub of Middle East is a project of rebuilding of the Mosul, a major city in northern Iraq.

UNESCO took an initiative a few years back to revive the spirit of Mosul as a response to the recovery of one of Iraq’s iconic cities.

The Mosul city was built in 112 and was almost destroyed in 2018 in result of war. The city of Mosul, which means “the linking point” in Arabic, is one of the oldest cities in the world.

Al-Hadba minaret survived 845 years of history & stood as a symbol for Mosul and Iraq. Rebirth of Ancient Mosul City as hub of Middle East has been appreciated by the people of Mosul.

The City of Mosul was completely destroyed in 201 in war

The 94% of Mosulis want to see their beloved Minaret restored exactly as it was & this is what we will do to “Revive The Spirit Of Mosul“.

For millennia, it has been a strategic location due to its crossroads and bridge between north and south, east and west. Rebirth of Mosul as hub of Middle East is a timely initiative taken by UNESCO.

This has made it home to a large number of people with different origins, ethnicities and religious beliefs, but this in turn made it a target for ISIL/Daesh.

In 2014, a three-year occupation (2014-2017) was carried out that ended with devastating results and these years passed before the shackles of violent extremism could be broken.

Revive the Spirit of Mosul | UNESCO

In result of a devastating war, Mosul was destroyed and the city was left in ruins.

Therefore, in February 2018, UNESCO launched the flagship initiative “Revive the Spirit of Mosul” as a response to the recovery of one of Iraq’s iconic cities.

Mosul is considered among the history and culture wise rich cities of the Arab world. In the past, Mosul has been serving as a hub of international commerce and travel.

In the past, Mosul was very famous for its essential products such as marble and oil. Mosul is home to the University of Mosul and its renowned Medical College, one of the Middle East’s largest educational and research centers.

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