Meta Three: A new futuristic VR camera
Meta Three: A new futuristic VR camera

Meta Three: A new futuristic VR camera is announced as the state-of-the-art virtual reality (VR) camera that has a very low parallax (stitching issues) with ProRes and RAW, electronic focusing, and live streaming capabilities.

Not to be confused with Facebook’s parent company, Meta. The camera’s company is based in the United Kingdom, and it’s offering the Meta Three for a massive price of 42 grand also called Meta Three: A new futuristic VR camera.

“The Meta Three not only has 12.5k resolution but it is sharp, the detail from this camera is amazing. Also, it’s highly controllable — we can set the focus and aperture digitally and on the fly,” says the company.

According to the company, it uses “high-quality glass” for the pixel-rich 360 camera. The data generated can be saved in either four CFast 2.0 cards or four SSD’s attached via USB-C.

The company recommends a Varjo VR headset, an extremely high-end headset, to get the most out of the Meta Three.

Anyone who has used a 360-degree camera will be aware that they are prone to stitching issues. This is when the different lenses that combine to create a 360 image meet and leave a telling line on the video or picture.

The Meta Three uses four lenses but the company claims that “we’ve got them so close in fact that they stitch beautifully.”

“Also, as these lenses are so sharp all across the plane, they look fantastic wherever on the overlap you choose to stitch them,” adds Meta.

Meta Three succeeds the Meta One and Two. All three cameras can record footage in ProRes 422 and it gives the option of shooting a high bitrate of h265.

“That’s important, not just in pixel quality but in color detail. You can get that cinematic quality from the grade,” says the company.

The Meta Three can live stream in 8k either via its ethernet port or HDMI ports using 3rd party software programs.

The company also offers an editing software, Meta Controller, for PC and Mac.

“The controller gives you granular control over the camera, from choosing variable framerate settings, picture profiles, encoding options, focus, full shutter, WB and ISO controls along with a whole host of other settings and features,” writes Meta.

“We show you battery voltage, camera temperature, and quick shortcuts to the key features you will want to adjust quickly.”

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