Shafiqa Iqbal hired by Google
Shafiqa Iqbal hired by Google

Google hires Shafiqa Iqbal from Sadiqabad as Shafiqa is domiciled from Sadiqabad and graduated from PUCIT, the Punjab University.

Shafiqa, who is attributed as a Pakistani Wonder Woman and a global ambassador of women tech network. She is a Big Data Engineer at Google and attributed as a top-rated seller at Upwork.

In addition to her success in Google, she is a skillful in cloud solutions, database management and migrations, backend development, logical programming, ETL pipelines.

Currently, she is appointed at the Google Office in Warsaw, Poland. It’s a distinction for her as she is the only Pakistani among the 1300 employees working at the Warsaw office of Google.

She has very good kills in designing of distributed and scalable solutions for multinational companies.

She has around three years of experience of working in Software house in Lahore before she started working at Google.

Shafiqa told that Google reached out to her from her LinkedIn profile and hired her after the interview. She also attributed that Linkedin is a prospective platform for the youth of Paksitan

Shafiqa is a data engineer and by her interests she was working on open sourced tasks for last many years.

As per Shafiqa, companies like Google and Facebook appreciate the open source work. Google hires Shafiqa Iqbal from Sadiqabad.

Furthermore, she wanted to become self-sufficient hence, she chose the field and worked her way through to find herself in a top-notch company such as Google.

Shafiqa Iqbal from Sadiqabad working in Lahore as Data Engineer was hired by Google via Linkedin at the age 24.

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